
Develop a solution that
answers a medical need

Essential Innovative Ambitious​

EviRed uses artificial intelligence to answer a medical need: replacing the current classification of diabetic retinopathy which is mainly based on outdated fundus photography and providing an insufficient prediction precision.

EviRed will use modern fundus imaging devices and artificial intelligence to properly integrate the vast amount of data they provide with other available medical data of the patient. It will then allow an improved diagnosis and prediction, and help ophthalmologists make a better decision during diabetic retinopathy follow-up. It should lead to critical progress in diabetic retinopathy management, a priority cause of blindness even in developed countries.

Ramin TadayonI
EviRed project leader

This work benefits from State aid managed by the National Research Agency under the investment program for the Future integrated to France 2030 bearing the reference ANR-18-RHUS-0008

Our latest


Fourth candle blown for EVIRED

On the February 25th, EviRed celebrated its 4th anniversary. The consortium members (APHP, ADCIS, EVOLUCARE, LATIM-UBO, UP and ZEISS) worked on patient data collected from

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Evired Cohort

On the 21st of December 2023, EviRed’s recruitment ended with an outstanding inclusion of 3182 patients! As a reminder, 14 French sites participate in this

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