On December 12, 2024, Dr. Rachid Zeghlache successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Longitudinal and Multi-Modal Monitoring for Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Using Deep Learning”. This marked the culmination of a three-year journey during which Dr. Zeghlache explored various innovative approaches to tackle a central challenge of the Evired project: predicting the future progression of diabetic retinopathy in patients based on imaging and contextual data.
The defense was held in the presence of a jury comprising the following members:
- Mr. François ROUSSEAU: Professor, IMT Atlantique, president
- Ms. Alice OTHMANI: Associate Professor (HDR), LISSI, Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC), reviewer
- Ms. Marie BEURTON-AIMAR: Associate Professor (HDR), LaBRI, Université Bordeaux, reviewer
- Mr. Gwenolé Quellec: Research Director, INSERM, LaTIM, UMR-1101
- Mr. Mathieu LAMARD: Research Engineer (HDR), LaTIM, UMR-1101, director
- Mr. Pierre-Henri CONZE: Associate Professor (HDR), IMT Atlantique
- Mr. Mostafa EL HABIB DAHO: Researcher (CPJ), UBO – HDR, LaTIM, UMR-1101
This groundbreaking research lays the foundation for personalized, AI-driven management of diabetic retinopathy and is expected to inspire significant innovations during the final stages of the Evired project.
NB: on the picture from the left to the right: François Rousseau, Pierre-Henri Conze, Gwenolé Quellec, Dr. Rachid Zeghlache, Mathieu Lamard, Alice Othmani, Mostafa El Habib Daho (Marie Beurton-Aimar participated remotely).